Certainty U Programs

Certainty U:
Your Business, Your Game.

The Certainty U mission is to help as many people achieve financial certainty on their terms as possible.

We do this through a combination of high-touch programs to develop leaders and free content to help people get to the point where they can consider joining the CCA.

Apply for CCA

You can see the programs below. Subscribe to Certainty Tools to get updates on event dates and CCA openings.

**Press releases and amplification include but are not limited to over 400 quality placements, amplification on the Nic Peterson brand and social channels, the Rigging the Game brand and social channels, and Certainty U brand and social channels.


Approved Terms and Language

If you are a student, graduate, or partner of CCA or Certainty U, please ensure that you have the full document of approved language for amplification on our end.


We open registration for a few days before each cohort and close registration when it’s full. Fill out the form below to get on the waitlist and get notified when registration is open.

Get On The List

Not ready for CCA?

If you’re not ready for the CCA …

  1. Peruse the free resources available and then grab the books that make up the foundation of the Certainty Operating System:

    1. Rigging The Game

    2. Bumpers

  2. Apply for the Certainty U Accelerator. The accelerator is designed to help purpose-driven business owners get their income to a point where they can join the CCA if they choose.