Five Days of (Un)Exploitable Day 4
Biases, recognizing the gap, closing the gap, and the power of language. Bonus: raising the floor and volatility.
Khan Academy GI Joe Bias
Rigging The Game
6 Word Update
CCA 5 Application
The Rigid Chaos Model:
Dr. Daniel Siegel has a great model for a healthy mind. In his model, a healthy mind is an integrated mind, where all the components are able to function optimally and are interconnected with each other. We move to an unhealthy state (i.e. we are more prone to lose it) when our mind isn’t integrated. Siegel sees integration as the place of well-being between two extremes: chaos and rigidity. He suggests we imagine we are floating down a river in a canoe. One bank represents chaos – where we feel we are out of control and caught up in the rapids and turmoil of life. This side of the river is filled with instability, anxiety, and even fear.
The other bank represents rigidity – where we are imposing control on everything and everyone around us. We are unwilling to be flexible or adaptive to anything. This side of the river is filled with stagnation.